Two great things happened on television this year. A debut in the spring and has been celebrated and the future of television. It was a technology called 3DTV. You can access my previous review, which refer to for more information in my thoughts on it. The other big technology this year is, in my opinion, the only one that really "change the world of TV." This is what "GoogleTV reference. There is much to learn about it, but it is not as difficult as some people make it out to be. What does it mean? How canI use it? What will change? All these questions I can answer for you.
About two years ago, Apple debuted a product called Apple TV. As an owner I can tell you that I'm wild. The functionality of the device makes me wonder, as one, smooth, clean flow research units, small and me all my own music (which is a ton), movie files, give me the opportunity to rent / buy movies from iTunes , YouTube-stream, and give my internet radio. There was only one thingmissing, and that the use was its Safari browser. It would be an enormous crush if you can also surf the Internet on the device. I blame the infancy of the technology for why Apple has not said that they were in their units.
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Google beat him with their great software for Android phones, so it was only a matter of time before venturing elsewhere. This trip to Software now known as the lead GoogleTV. In essence, it means that you can rationalize AppleTV Appssimilar to a smart phone, had to integrate with the cable stations and the Google Chrome browser. The software is "open source" software developers will be virtually zero restrictions on applications that are to guarantee the performance of the hardware resources can never become obsolete. The integration of the cable make it easy to be a report on NBC and with a few clicks of a button, the report on NBC's website using the same channel can be heard minimized in a corner of the screen shows.The Chrome browser is a fully functional web browser with flash capability. Just to say ... This is a smart PC to the TV.
So which device do? Now, there are some devices that are used or use the system. Sony makes a selection of LCD monitors with built-in available in 24 ", 32", 40 "and 46" GoogleTV. You are all set to 1080p and 60Hz. Are not concentrated too much on television appearance, as a TV GoogleTV are concentrated in him. Sony also makes a Blu-raySony has incorporated both the TV and Blu Ray come with a remote control, keyboard, and it is very Blackberry in his eyes. Logitech makes a stand-alone device, called Logitech Revue (like AppleTV), the TV can be integrated into any HDMI port on it. The device is a true wireless keyboard with touch pad mouse. Logitech also makes a special webcam) designed for Sony TVs and revision (not the Blu Ray player so you can make video calls forSkype Chat. They also make a smaller compact keyboard similar to the smaller Sony.
The future of what this device is the concept of it can eventually replace the need for a cable provider such as network-based applications only streamlines all of your favorite programs. This highlights one of my wishes for TV since I learned about the cable bills and that is the idea of paying only what you want to see. Imagine if you could only pay only what youwant to see? I do not know that my bill would fall about 75% up. The future picture, and units able to record programs if you already have a cable provider would be just like a DVR. While these are all evidence and statements about the future, the road is already planned for the possibility.
GoogleTV is the future. There is no doubt. Integration is the future and GoogleTV. It 'was a competition for the AppleTV, but its really cool Haled will show in your direction. It has theFull functionality of a PC (minus the word processing skills and Microsoft Office) and all right from the remote keypad. The ability of the software shows an unbounded future for this technology. While it seems that 3D is forcing them to survive because of the brands you will GoogleTV and potential competition due to the fact that you really survive in the future.
Google TV